Incentive scholarship is granted for bachelor, master, integrated and professional pedagogical studies students for the best achievements in the study process. This scholarship could not be granted in the first semester of the first year. 

Students who have debts or academic debts cannot be granted this scholarship. 

Incentive scholarships can be either 1,5 BSB (basic social benefit) and 2,5 BSB which is 58,5 Eur and 97,5 Eur respectively. The size of the incentive scholarship depends on the student’s place in grade point average. This scholarship is granted in February-July and August-January. 

In order to get this scholarship student does not fill in any application – it is assigned automatically but is necessary to register a bank account in VU IS account. 

More information about incentive scholarships and other scholarships can be found in Vilnius University Scholarships Regulations.

If you want a consultation you can contact Vilnius University Students’ Representation coordinator of social affairs Vilius by e-mail [email protected] or to your unit’s coordinator of social – academic affairs (contacts can be found here) 

Also, don’t be afraid to get consultations from VU Student Services and Career Department (more information can found here).

One-off social grants are granted to students of the first cycle, second cycle, third cycle and integrated studies in the event of death of family members, natural or other disasters, illness or other similar cases. The size of a one-off social grant is from 2 to 12 BSB.  

These grants are also relevant for students who have suspended their studies or took academic leave. 

One-off social grants’s size can vary from 2 BSB to 12 BSB which is from 78 euros to 468 euros. 

In order to get these grants, the student has to fill in the application in VU IS and present the required documents: 

  • A certificate of family composition; 
  • A certificate of income from work / individual activity of family members for the last 3 months or certificate of unemployment; 
  • A certificate of income from work / individual activity of student for the last 3 months or certificate of unemployment; 
  • Other documents proving the need for financial support. 

More information about one-off social grants and other scholarships can be found in Vilnius University Scholarships Regulations.

If you want a consultation you can contact Vilnius University Students’ Representation coordinator of social affairs Vilius by e-mail [email protected] or your unit’s coordinator of social – academic affairs (contacts can be found here: ) 

Also, don’t be afraid to get consultations from VU Student Services and Career Department (more information can found here) 

One-off earmarked scholarships are granted to students of the first cycle, second cycle, third cycle and integrated studies with relevant achievements in sports, cultural and scientific/social activities. 

One-off earmarked scholarship’s size varies from 1 BSB (basic social benefit) to 15 BSB which is form 39 euros to 585 euros. 

The application, activity table and other documents proving the activity (e.g. copies of diplomas, scientific publications) can be submitted via VU IS. The deadline in autumn semester is 25th of October; in spring semester 25th of March. 

This scholarship is also relevant for students who have suspended their studies or took the academic leave. 

The scholarship can be granted only once for the same activity. 

Activity table and tips how to fill in social activity table can be found here.

More information about one-off earmarked scholarships and other scholarships can be found in Vilnius University Scholarships Regulations.

If you want a consultation you can contact Vilnius University Students’ Representation coordinator of social affairs Vilius by e-mail [email protected] or to your unit’s coordinator of social – academic affairs (contacts can be found here: ) 

Also, don’t be afraid to get consultations from VU Student Services and Career Department (more information can found here).