VU Health and Sport Center – has different sport options for VU students. Practice sessions range from basic health and sport skills improvement to training for a professional sport career.
Health Laboratory – VU Health and Sports Centre (SSC) together with the VU Counselling and Training Centre (KMC) has launched a new Health Lab, which provides free one-on-one health counselling for the VU community, with the help of students from the Master’s degree programme in Health Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, and the students from the Institute of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. This includes:
- Running consultation and training plan
- Full body muscle building consultation
- Consultation on posture, exercises
- Consultation by a health psychologist
- Physiotherapy examination
- Body composition analysis and consultation
VU Planetarium – the only specialised astronomy centre in Lithuania. You can register for a tour and see its dome-shaped Star Hall and various celestial phenomena visible from different parts of the Earth.
Molėtai Astronomical Observatory – Here, astronomical observations can be made by all Lithuanian astronomers, doctoral students, as well as colleagues from foreign science centres. You can register for both day and night tours. There is a possibility of organising conferences and other events, as well as recreational activities in the Observatory.
Practice and Recreation Centres – VU offers its community the opportunity to relax at the University’s recreation centres, which offer:
- Conference, seminar and leisure centre Romuva in Palanga
- Practice and recreation base in Pervalka
- Training and practice base in Puvočiai
Museums in Vilnius university – accumulates cultural, artistic, historical and scientific treasures that are related to the development of the University. The Museum also organises permanent, temporary and virtual exhibitions, events reflecting the life of Lithuania and the University.
Vilnius University also has several other types of museums:
Natural science collections/museums (at faculties, institutes, centres) :
- VU Museum of Zoology (educational-scientific collection)
- VU Herbarium (scientific-educational collection)
- VU Anatomy and Pathology Collection
- VU Museum of Geology (scientific collection)
Historical collections/museums (at faculties):
- VU Physics Museum
- VU Museum of Lithuanian Mathematicians named after Henrikas Jasiūnas
- Museum of the VU Faculty of Economics
- VU Law Faculty Museum
- Museum of the History of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, VU
Church of St. Johns – Vilnius University Church hosts church services, graduation ceremonies, concerts and other events.
Open University for People with Disabilities – The focus is on equal opportunities in the areas of disability, gender equality, different cultures and social status. In the area of disability, the aim is to provide a decent, appropriate and high-quality environment for people with disabilities to study and work at the University.
Counseling and Support – Vilnius University provides a large variety of consulting and Support services for its community such as:
- Financial Support
- Career and Academic Guidance
- Psychological Councelling
- Studies and Disability
Volunteer Centre – Coordinating internal, external, short-term and long-term volunteering activities, Communicating with partners in Lithuania and abroad, Consulting interested members of the University community on matters related to volunteering.
Vilnius University Culture Centre – unites 12 art groups – choirs, orchestras, theaters, ensembles and more. The main aim of the Centre is to offer services to the community of the University, i.e. to create and maintain its cultural educational spread and provide the opportunity of artistic self-expression and development of a creative personality for university students, employees and graduates.